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Normal Day:

6am wake up. Wake up kids. Wait- where is sis? There are fifteen blankets on her queen size bed, where is the little four year old? Why in the world does such a tiny person have such a large bed? ...Hahaha That’s my fault…. Oh there she is, under five blankets in the far corner. I walk over to pull off the blankets and turn on the light. Her room looks like a tornado went through it. She has shreds of paper and every bin on her shelf from IKEA is taken out. It was clean last night. She hisses and roars at me. Next kid, I walk out and go to little man’s room. Turn on little man’s lights and pull off his blanket. COFFEE. I walk down stairs to turn on the coffee pot. Sh*T, I didn’t pre make it. I open the cabinets, grab the coffee bag and filters, pour the water and hit start. Walk back up stairs. Both kiddos are still in bed and have pulled the blankets back over their little bodies. Start the process all over again. Pull off blankets. “You must get up.”


Walk back to my room to get dressed for work. Whew….I pulled an outfit last night. Walk back to the hallway. Sis is up, her clothes I layed out are gone. “Where are your clothes?” I asked. She roars again.

“Rrrr….I am not wearing it...ever and ever! Rrrr…” She loudly and proudly stated.


“Wear are your clothes I layed out?”

“I do not know. I will not wear it. I will be Cinderella today. Hmm.” She sassily states. Well I love that I am raising a spirited young woman that when she sets her mind to something, she is a strong willed little human. But right now, it is 6:20, and I am arguing with a little jerk.

“So- this is what we are going to do- you will wear the clothes I layed out and it will include the pants, underwear, socks and shoes. If not, you will have a consequence."


I walk back to my room, put make up on, run a flat iron through my bob and brush my teeth. I hear them in the hallway. At least they are both up.

I walk back to the hallway, the layed out clothes from the night before on the hallway banister are thrown and hidden in the loft. Sis now has no clothes on except for her underwear. Little man is laughing at her and pulling on his uniform. The fighting has started. He hit her, she hit him….maybe it went the other way.

Crap….Now mean momma has to come out. I yell, “that if everyone is not clothed with the exact clothes I set out in two minutes, I am taking X@? And X@?! Princess slippers are not shoes and your butt must be covered!”

“Ok, ok, ok..” Sis loudly states. Little man giggles.

“Upstairs is closing in two minutes!” I yell and walk down the stairs to the kitchen. Coffee is ready. I turn on the news to check out the weather, any local big events and traffic. Uggg. Traffic. Walk to the cabinet and pull a yeti and fill ‘er up with coffee. Black, nice and hot. Yummmm. Eggs for me, cereal for sis and a bagel for little man. Coming right up. Start the cooking and prepping. I hear arguing up stairs.

“One minute!”

I finish my short order chef menu, set out the plates, grab everyone’s lunch, coats and bookbags. Whew, we are ready. I walk back upstairs. Both kiddos are fully dressed including shoes. Thank you! I said a little prayer.

“Momma can you tie them nice and tight?” asks little man and props his foot up above my knee.

“Sure.” I smile at him, I know it is only a matter of time that he won’t need my help. Goodness, I cannot believe he is six.

“Sis, do you need help with your hair? Did you brush your teeth?”

“YES!” She yells.

“Let me smell them!”

“Ok.Ok.Ok. I will do it.” She turns around and walks back into the bathroom. I follow and finish her hair.

“Breakfast is ready, make sure all the lights are off when you come down.” I head back down stairs.


Little man follows closely after. Sis comes down about two minutes later. She has on the exact outfit I layed out but added a glittered pink skirt. I smile and say nothing. She has shoes and socks and her butt is covered. Pick your battles momma, I say to myself. They both scarf down breakfast and put their dishes in the little side of the sink. We go over the daily schedule. I throw a freezer meal in the crockpot. And we load up to go.


We pull out of the garage and are headed for the day. We made it. Until tomorrow and we do it all again.


A Real Housewife from the Midwest

What's in my crockpot?

I made four of these ahead of time and froze. I threw one in the crockpot frozen for more time and topped with cheese, sour cream and tortillas. Huge hit for the fam!

BBQ Chicken Chili


4 (4 ounce) boneless skinless chicken breasts

1 yellow onion sliced

2 cloves garlic minced

1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes

1 (15.5 ounce) can cannellini beans drained and rinsed

1 cup Golden BBQ Sauce


  • Combine all ingredients in a slow cooker and cook on low for 4-6 hours. Top with a dollop of sour cream and sprinkle with cheddar cheese.

For full recipe and products, holla at my girl. Or just pull products similar from your pantry.

Any tricks to help with a smoother morning? How do you #IMomSoHARD?

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